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PDF Download for Busy Homeschooling Moms
If you need an all-in-one, homeschool and life planner for keeping your homeschool schedule, meal plans, kids’ activities, and your side hustle passion project or business going, this 2025 planner is made for you!
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Sourdough Chocolate Chai Swirl Bread: A Beautiful, Cozy Treat
This sourdough chocolate chai swirl bread is stunning with its bold interior swirl, it’s gooey blending of dark chocolate and spice mix, and it’s comforting and delicious tang of sourdough. It makes a fantastic hosting gift, a special treat when you need something extra cozy, or a unique option to serve guests.

Savoring Summer: Simple, Budget-Friendly Out and About Activities for Kids
These out and about activities to do with kids when you need to get out of the house during the summer provide opportunities for fun, social awareness, creativity, and connecting with nature.

Simple, Cozy Sourdough Cinnamon Bread: the Best Breakfast Toast Loaf
A chewy, golden crust, subtle sweetness, gently spice profile, and bubbly and moist interior make this Sourdough Cinnamon Bread loaf cozy, comforting, and delicious by itself or slathered in butter and sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar for a special cold weather treat!

Simple, Outdoor Summer Activities: Old Fashion Living with Young Kids
Outdoor summer activities for young kids that can be done in your own back yard! Old fashion, screen-free, creative play and productivity to encourage your child’s imagination, proprioceptive play, problem solving, and building self esteem. Simple fun for a summer to remember.

Sourdough Pizza Focaccia Recipe: An Easy Hack for Homemade Pizza
Chewy, tangy sourdough pizza focaccia topped with classic, flavorful pizza toppings make this focaccia meal deliciously satisfying! Crunchy corners, crispy cheese, roasted garlic, and basil and tomatoes fresh from the garden for a winning homemade pizza night option – with much less mess than normal!
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