Family of Four Small Space House Tour

Do you enjoy touring other people’s houses? I assume you probably do if you’ve landed on this page.

I weirdly LOVE it! It is always cool to see how people live, how they organize things, what their decor is like, etc.

I am especially intrigued by small space house tours. I feel like people who live in compact spaces really have to make the most of their creativity AND their resources. So clever!

We like living in small spaces. They help us stay minimal and they’re easy to clean up.

As a downside, they do tend to get messy fast, but at least you’re only ever about 10 minutes from a complete house reset!

When our first daughter was 8 weeks old, we moved into a 450 square foot Granny Flat. It had one bedroom, an ensuite bathroom, a little tiny kitchen in the corner of the common room, and a windowless laundry/storage room that served as a walkthrough between our flat and our landlord’s garage.

It was perfect. It was home.

We lived there until we got pregnant with our third baby.

Before we left, I created this series of posts to remind myself how we managed to make it work, and to share with all of you a little tour of our small, cozy space. And honestly, living in this Granny Flat did work!

We were very happy in that space, and I will always be thankful for the lessons I learned in organization out of necessity! Living in a small space with kids can be a beautiful experience.

I hope it will be helpful for any other families out there trying to make a small space work with small kids. Maybe there will be something in the photos or in my explanations that prompt a solution to a persistant problem in your own home. Or maybe, like me, you just enjoy seeing how another family organizes their space.

Whatever the case, welcome to our home. I hope you enjoy getting this little glimpse into our life.

And if you’re about to embark upon an adventure of living in a small space, you CAN do it! You’ll figure it out. And you’ll grow in the process. It’s worth it!

Small Living Room with Couch

Our living dining room combo. This included our entry, our sitting area, our dining area, and the majority of our daily-use storage space.

One corner of this room was also our kitchen, but there’s a whole separate post for that below.

Our Kitchen was actually a corner of our living/dining common room. It had a full, four-burner stove top and an oven, and a handful of shelves, cupboards, and drawers.

The saving graces were the large pantry cupboard, a kitchen trolley I bought, which almost doubled the counter space, and how we overflowed our microwave and drinks station to a different corner of the room.

Organized Bedroom Bed and window

Our Bedroom served as not only a sleeping space, but also a study/office space in the corner, a sleeping closet for a baby or toddler as necessary, and the walkthrough to the only bathroom in our apartment.

Organized Bathroom Vanity and Diaper Pail

Our Bathroom was technically an en suite to our bedroom, but it functioned as the only bathroom for the whole family.

With a small closet for additional storage, and large drawers in the vanity, it was surprisingly efficient. Since we cloth diaper our kids, it also had to work hard for that purpose!

Make-Do Toddler Room Crib and Mattress Set Up

The Kids’s Room, which was also the utility room and provided some extra storage. This room was technically a walkthrough to our landlord’s garage, but we kept the door into the garage locked, and they had storage stacked in front of the door from their side, so it was secure for the kids to sleep in.